A job search tracker is an essential tool that keeps your job search organized and efficient. It allows you to set clear goals, prioritize your efforts, monitor your progress, and reflect on any feedback you receive. With a well-maintained tracker, you can: Stay Organized: A tracker helps you maintain a clear overview of where you’ve […]
Career and Life Coaching Enrolment Form
Alnoor Damji understands that every individual’s journey is unique. That’s why he has developed a comprehensive approach to career and life coaching, tailored to address your specific needs. Whether you’re seeking guidance in your professional development or seeking a more fulfilling personal life, Alnoor’s coaching services will provide you with the tools and strategies to […]
Unlocking the Potential of Older Workers
In today’s workplace, organizations often prioritize young talent, but it’s important not to overlook the valuable knowledge and experience possessed by older workers. Reverse mentoring offers a solution to bridge the generational gap and create a collaborative learning environment that benefits both younger and older employees. By actively involving older workers in mentoring programs and […]
Make Your LinkedIn Profile Shine as a UX/UI Designer Job Seeker
In today’s competitive job market, standing out as a UX/UI designer is essential. One powerful tool at your disposal is LinkedIn, and the new Profile Activity Page layout offers exciting opportunities to enhance your visibility and attract potential employers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key elements of the updated Profile Activity Page and […]
Lessons from Yesterday’s Hike: Building Resilience, Self-Renewal, and Social Connection for a Future-Ready Mindset.
Lessons from yesterday’s hike through a tough terrain taught me the importance of resilience, self-renewal, and social connection. I realized that bouncing back from setbacks and challenges is crucial to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Asking for help from my hiking companions @Tang Kheng Kheng Anthea Crewe (thank you for believing in me) and supporting each other […]
The importance of Cultural Humility – creating strong teams
Your brain creates mental shortcuts as a way to help you rapidly respond to situations based on past experiences or societal messages about various races, thus leading to stereotypes. But these shortcuts are generalizations and are rarely accurate assessments of an individual or group. They’re what’s known as a “cognitive bias.” It is a lifelong […]
Career guidance and planning
Navigating your career can lead you to feel lost, frustrated and require help moving forward. Your career coach can help in identifying and understandings challenges and obstacles, recognize their impact, and develop personalized strategies for addressing them. Career Dimensions assessment tool administered by a Personality Dimensions trained facilitator in finding the best career for your […]
Be unstoppable by having the right 🅼🅴🅽🆃🅰🅻 🅰🆃🆃🅸🆃🆄🅳🅴

Being unstoppable by changing and having the right mental attitude? Yes! Humans have evolved by taking risks. Is it true that most human actions can be conceptualized as containing an element of risk Your first step – you risk falling down Trying new food – you risk it tasting unpleasant Riding a bicycle – you […]
Are you ‘pushing’ the ‘pull’ door?

Are you pushing a door that says pull?🚪 I was pushing too hard trying to pass 8 exams. I failed 1 certification exam. What was the message? I was pushing on strength training through shoulder bursitis. What was the message? There is always a message. … it is okay to fail. Success is not final, failure is […]

Have you been stuck? Have you been pulling a door that says push? Or you may just have to build the door where one wasn’t. What blinds many of us are preconceived notions. The notions that the door has to be there, or that it should swing out. Here are my […]